
abstract tree swirling at sunset
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Turbulence, Chaos, Confusion, Stormy Weather

A lot of that these days. Invoking fear in many .
However, in the Dualistic Universe we all inhabit, Chaos is the birthplace of Creativity, Confusion leads to Clarity and it is Calm before and after the Storms.

Mass media hypnotizes humans horrifically by ignoring this.

Deliberately. For Profit and the Benefit of Organized Religion, Corporatocracies nd their owners. The Way Way, Way upper class. More upper than ever perhaps, but as Einstein proved, “Its all relative”

From the Historical God-like Powers of Kings and Queens to the Organization of Ants, its a Natural Thing.

It takes many roots and a lot of growing to create and sustain the top leaf of a Redwood tree. The chaos begins as thousands of chemicals in the earth are absorbed, transported, then transmuted to provide every necessary ingredient by the hundreds of miles of Mycelium in every cubic inch of soil. Our Mycelium Ancestors have been doing this for more than billion years.
If your religious dogmas prevent you from believing in Evolution, then think of it this way. God IS Intelligence. The tool of Evolution was created in order to take Sunday and the rest of All time Off. Guided from the Toolbox of Creation. Everything grows and changes according to its Innate Nature and Environment, from DNA to the square symmetry of Salt crystals.

The Apparent Chaos we experience results in the Order we live with. Our Zeitgeist evolves. We stop believing in Santa Claus when we see our mother hiding presents on the top shelf of the closet, out of sight of short children.
But the more clever children stood on a chair. The most clever and curious children opened the packages carefully , saw what was inside, rewrapped them and then had to fein surprise on Christmas morning.

Most people have had the Curiosity drummed out of them by what we call Education. Which comes from the Latin educere, “to lead”.

To be led down a path against Nature is Insane, immoral and highly unethical, but very useful to those in power. No one protests that with which they agree wholeheartedly. Revolutions are prevented, bread and circuses keep everyone happy.
Billions follow the Pope’s proclamations, some to the letter, some only on Sunday, but no one stands up to say he’s wrong without death, dismemberment or simply banishment of them and their ideas. For Centuries.

But here is a change afoot in that power structure. They’ve been preparing for it for centuries, and it is in it’s birth throes now. May we all have a smooth delivery, and a natural life from then on. Home-school yourself and then others. And as we all know, home is where the Heart is.

